Realms of Astora

DS&RB – Realms of Astora EP3 (Everything’s Coming Up Meadow)

Our heroes encounter a particularly web filled tunnel, Meadow makes a sweet trick shot and oh yeah, we came here with two halflings whoops already forgot about them. Will they find the final key before whatever is lurking in the darkness finds them first?


Realms of Astora

DS&RB – Realms of Astora EP1

After a chance meeting in a pub proves profitable, a group of strangers decided to see if lightning will strike twice when they agree to work one more job as a team. Accepting an offer from a duo of halflings promising a rich reward if they aid in a simple mission to excavate an old castle, the team sets off on the road! However, is everything as straightforward about the task as they’re being lead to believe?

Episode 1 of our Dungeons and Dragons campaign! There will be a mini-episode recounting the chaotic first lost session of this group (cause we didn’t record it like idiots.)